Rank tackles time-sensitive issues and scores more conversions

Founded in the UK in 1937, Rank Group has provided some form of entertainment for people around the world for more than eight decades. Originally a leading motion picture company, Rank now runs the largest chain of casinos and bingo venues in the UK. Today, Rank uses Fullstory to achieve an end-to-end view of their user experience, enabling their teams to make conversion-impacting improvements across their digital properties. 


Rank, a prominent gaming and gambling company, aimed to uncover errors and optimize conversions across their platforms. They sought a comprehensive solution to identify issues impacting user experience and maximize conversion opportunities.


Utilizing Fullstory Rank quickly diagnosed and addressed browser-based promotion errors during a major sporting event. They identified and resolved issues with their primary promotional campaign, ensuring a seamless user experience and maximizing conversion potential. Additionally, Fullstory's Heatmaps and Session Replay features enabled Rank to pinpoint and address user navigation issues on landing pages, significantly improving user engagement.


“Before Fullstory, we had all these siloed views of the customer experience, but we needed an end-to-end view of how different site and app experiences impact customers. It was immediately clear that Fullstory was what we were looking for—it lets us look at things through the customer’s eyes and link their behaviors back to the technology, the design, and the creative decisions that were made. When leadership asks me what percentage of customers are being affected by an issue, I go straight to Fullstory, nowhere else.”

David Boothroyd, Head of Operations and Governance, Rank




Company Size



50% Percentage of users affected by a browser-based issue that was quickly diagnosed with Fullstory

90% Percentage of users who encountered a confusing landing page experience later improved with Fullstory

70% Percentage of users who access Rank’s mobile properties

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